Dive in the Past - The Game

The Dive in the Past Serious Game allows players to virtually dive in some of the most appealing Underwater Cultural Heritage Sites of the Mediterranean Sea. The purpose of the game is to promote selected locations by stimulating tourists’ interest in UCH.ย 

Dive in the Past mixes the exploration of the underwater world with puzzles and quests.


Take a look at the teaser trailer below.

Dive in the Past is available on mobile stores, download it.

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Privacy Statement

These privacy rules describe data gathered with our Dive in the Past – Serious Game. We do not in fact collect any kind of personal information with the Serious game. Downloading and using the MeDryDive VR application does not require any kind of information about you or your device. Dive in the Past – The Game is compliant with the Law on the Protection of Children’s Online Privacy. We do not gather personal data of any kind from users of any age. If you have any questions, you may contact us via email. We shall use the user’s email address and any personal data that the user has sent via email only in order to reply to the queries made. Please get in touch with us about any questions about our privacy rules at our email address: info@medrydive.euย and support@3dresearch.it