The preliminary agenda of the Dive in Blue Growth conference is out now.
Download it here.
The preliminary agenda of the Dive in Blue Growth conference is out now.
Download it here.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic ongoing restrictions and for the safety of all participants, the Steering Committee has decided to move the 2nd International Conference Dive in Blue Growth to a completely online event that will take place from Wednesday, May 12 to Friday, May 14, 2021.
Despite the changes, we believe that a virtual environment will allow the conference to reach out to more people worldwide and be more broadly accessible as well as offer high quality experiences through a virtual interactive platform, including coherent sessions, keynote speeches, and networking opportunities.
Please note that the conference has been extended to three days due to the significant number of participations, and its agenda aims at convenient to attend sessions.
We look forward to welcome you at the Virtual 2nd International Conference Dive in Blue Growth in May, while more details and the preliminary program will be released shortly. Please feel free to contact us for any questions at
A substantial number of abstracts has been submitted for the 2nd International Conference Dive in Blue Growth and the reviewing is almost complete. The results will be announced around early February 2021.
We would like to thank all those who have submitted an abstract for the 2nd International Conference Dive in Blue Growth. Submission is now closed.