The site

The Underwater Archaeological Park of Baiae is one of the most amazing diving locations in the world. The ancient Roman ruins are easily seen but are presently found underwater due to the volcanic phenomena of bradyseism which characterizes this area. The diving centers, which are authorized by the Archeological Authorities, organize dives and snorkeling to these archeological sites. It is possible to dive through the mosaics of Protiro Villa, the statues and thermal spas of Claudius’ Nymphaeum, the ancient columns of Portus Julius, along the walls and mosaic of the Pisoni Villa and towers of Smoky Reef all whilst being surrounded by schools of fish. Boat trips, diving and snorkeling allow everyone the possibility to admire the sunken city.

Protiro Villa

Description: We are in the south of the underwater archaeological park of Baiae. This monumental complex represents the urban structure of the ancient bay: a street overlooked by a series of taverns and a private villa. Protiro Villa is so-called because of its particular small porch. A series of rooms overlook a central atrium from which they receive light. Currently, in one of these rooms, it is possible to admire splendid mosaics composed of black and white tiles that create a hexagonal motif.
Underwater Archaeological Park of Baiae “Zone A”
maximum 5 m.
Difficulty: low

Claudius’ Nymphaeum

Description: Sunken Nymphaeum of Emperor Claudius’ palace is located in Baia at Punta Epitaffio. We are in zone A of the park. It is a rectangular building, where it is possible to admire the reconstruction of a series of statues. This group of statues constituted a sort of “gallery” of dynastic portraits of the “gens” Giulio-Claudia. Continuing just outside the Nymphaeum, passing the thermal baths we find a paved road, the Via Herculanea, which takes us in the middle of what was the Lacus Baianus, where we find the imposing remains of two villas.
Location: Archaeological Park of Baia “Zone A”
Depth: maximum 5 m.
Difficulty: low

Portus Julius

Description: Located in Baia, the Portus Julius was commissioned in 37 BC by Marco Vespasiano  Agrippa during the civil war between Ottaviano and Sesto Pompeo. The great port structure, used as an arsenal of the Miseno fleet, was connected through a navigable channel to the lakes of Lucrino and Averno. Today it is possible to see the remains of the port structure and some mosaics at a depth ranging from 3m to 5m.
Location: UnderwaterArchaeological Park of Baiae “Zone B”
Depth: maximum 5 m.
Difficulty: low

Pisoni Villa

Description: One hundred and thirty metres south-east of Punta Epitaffio within Zone A of the Park lies Pisoni Villa which was later transformed into the vast Hadrian Palace. The villa belonged to the gens of Pisoni who organized a plot against the emperor Nero. The plot was discovered the villa was expropriated and passed directly into the hands of the emperor. What can be admired today through a guided underwater path consists of a large garden surrounded by a portico and corridors. Along one side of the garden, it is possible to admire the spa complex, while on the other side there are a series of service rooms that lead to the maritime part of the house with large tanks for breeding fish. A new mosaic has been discovered and it is now visible.
Location: Underwater Archaeological Park of Baiae “Zone A”
Depth: maximum 5 m.
Difficulty: low

Smoky Reef

Description: At about seven hundred and fifty meters from the present coastline twenty-eight pilae (Roman pillars) of 6-7 m height and 9x9m square, placed at right angles, occupy an area of proximately 160×100 m; they are called  Smoky Reef due to the emissions from the seabed with one pillar, which broke through the sea’s surface, being named by the local elders “the Pulcinella Tower”. Pillars are colonized and rich in flora and fauna and during the underwater path active fumaroles testify to the volcanic origin of this area. Fumaroles are columns of volcanic gas bubbles that emanate from the bottom. Sulfur deposits are found almost everywhere on the seabed and it is possible to see an underwater volcanic crater.
Location: Underwater Archaeological Park of Baiae “Zone C”
Depth: maximum 5 m.
Difficulty: low