On December 9th, 2020 MeDryDive participated in the networking event for the successful projects of COSME TOURSYN Call for proposals, showcasing the results of the project so far. The event took place online (Zoom platform) and was an excellent opportunity for synergies and P2P (Project to Project) meetings. MeDryDive was represented by MAZI TRAVEL & EVENTS (project coordinator) and Atlantis Consulting S.A. (project partner).
Alan Vella (EASME) presented the TOURSYN call main results, also referring to the global impact of COVID-19 on Tourism. Following a period of growth, the EU tourism sector is among the hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, more than ever, COSME’s funding significantly contributes to the development, promotion, and preservation of the European tourism industry.
During the online event, a pitching session of all the projects took place, followed by 9 P2P Matchmaking sessions.
The participating COSME projects were:
- EuroVelo3
- EU UNESCO 4 All Tour
- Famous
- Fishfest
- Greenway Heritage
- Mappae
- MeDryDrive
- Roman Emperors and Danube Wine Route
- TraCEs
- Trames
- Wine & Senses