On the June 21, Ervin Šilić (Novena Ltd) presented the MeDryDive project to a group of researchers, archaeologists and divers, who, under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture, are investigating the site of a sunken Greek ship in the bay of Tratinska, on the island of Žirje (Croatia).

The research team dives in the seabed of the island of Žirje, exploring one of the extremely valuable sites with numerous amphorae and other types of vessels. The amphorae date from the middle of the 4th century BC, which confirms the presence of Greece in the Adriatic in that period. It is assumed that the amphorae transported wine. At the presentation, in addition to the presentation of the project objectives, the technology of Virtual and Augmented Reality used in the project was also presented. From the reactions of users, we can conclude that the technology is well chosen and that it attracts special attention with the receptivity of the content that is consumed, especially the VR glasses Oculus Quest.

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