On Friday, March 19, NOVENA organized a Wider Special Focus Group in the context of Task 3.2. Validation of the product and CCI Apps, which consisted of six representatives of the project end-users.
(more…)The MeDryDive project was presented to the students of the Secondary Vocational School in Samobor
MeDryDive” project which aims to develop a tourist product “Dive into the past” and the latest technologies in the presentation of underwater cultural heritage was presented to students Secondary Vocational School Samobor on Thursday, March 18.
(more…)The 1st Special Focus Group of the MeDryDive project in Croatia!
On Thursday, March 11, the 1st Special Focus Group was held in Zagreb with relevant stakeholders of the MeDryDive project. The focus group was organized by Novena Ltd, as part of the project activities. The goal was testing and validation of developed products related to Underwater Cultural Heritage on the Mediterranean.
(more…)4th Meeting of MeDryDive Project
The fourth meeting of MeDryDive project took place on November 25th and 26th. Due to the second wave of COVID-19, there wasn’t the possibility to travel and physically meet in the same place, so partners participated through conference call (Google Meet).