Campi Flegrei Diving organized on 19/03/2021 a Special Focus Grouop meeting as follow up of the first focus group organized during the ArcheoCamp on the 29th October 2020, with local stakeholders: representative of hospitality sector, tour operator, the management of the Archaeological Park of Campi Flegrei, diving center.
(more…)MeDryDive @ Archeocamp 2020
The Archeocamp is one of the most important Italian events related to the Underwater Archaeology.
It took place from the 26th of October to the 1st of November 2020 in the Underwater Archaeological Park of Baia, Italy.
(more…)MeDryDive @ “The park of the idea” – Baia
MeDryDive Project has been presented by Cristina Canoro at “The Park of the idea“: Laboratory of participatory project planning in the Archaeological Park of Campi Flegrei, Castle of Baia 8-10 November 2019, organized by the Archaeological Park of Campi Flegrei, University of Naples Federico II and Bam Strategie Culturali.