Campi Flegrei Diving organized the 3rd Special focus group on the 15th of April to present to the local business stakeholders and Authorities MeDryDive project and the main outputs: Dive in the past touristic product and CCI apps (AR, Vr apps and the serious game).
(more…)MeDryDive WSFG online Meeting in Italy
The 1st Wider Special Focus Group meeting of the MeDryDive project in Italy.
Campi Flegrei Diving organized on 24/03/2021 a Wider Special Focus Group with end-users.
(more…)MeDryDive 2nd online SFG Meeting in Italy
Campi Flegrei Diving organized on 19/03/2021 a Special Focus Grouop meeting as follow up of the first focus group organized during the ArcheoCamp on the 29th October 2020, with local stakeholders: representative of hospitality sector, tour operator, the management of the Archaeological Park of Campi Flegrei, diving center.
(more…)MeDryDive presented at Salone dello Studente
During a virtual workshop organized on December 16th by the Salone dello Studente and the University of Calabria, Marco Cozza from 3D Research has presented the MeDryDive project and its results.
(more…)4th Meeting of MeDryDive Project
The fourth meeting of MeDryDive project took place on November 25th and 26th. Due to the second wave of COVID-19, there wasn’t the possibility to travel and physically meet in the same place, so partners participated through conference call (Google Meet).
(more…)MeDryDive vs COVID-19
Since the COVID-19 outbreak caused travelling to other countries impossible, the data collection activities on the pilot sites have been slowed down. However, MeDryDive project partners continued working on several tasks, by using digital tools.