On the 30th of March, Mazi Travel & Events held a special focus group event, to present the Dive in the Past Tourism Programme, as part of the EU co-financed (COSME) Programme MeDryDive.
(more…)2nd SFG in Italy
Campi Flegrei Diving organized the 3rd Special focus group on the 15th of April to present to the local business stakeholders and Authorities MeDryDive project and the main outputs: Dive in the past touristic product and CCI apps (AR, Vr apps and the serious game).
(more…)The 1st Special Focus Group of the MeDryDive project in Croatia!
On Thursday, March 11, the 1st Special Focus Group was held in Zagreb with relevant stakeholders of the MeDryDive project. The focus group was organized by Novena Ltd, as part of the project activities. The goal was testing and validation of developed products related to Underwater Cultural Heritage on the Mediterranean.